I think I can speak for everyone at BleuBelle in saying we are so proud of April and all of her great accomplishments. She has some really amazing things in the near future and we all wish her the best of luck.
As all good things do, my time at BleuBelle has come to end. It has been a great experience and I have loved every step of the way! I am extremely sad to leave and I am going to miss everything; the rotating chick-fil-a, moe's lunches, my bridal days and their egg roles :), and especially my BleuBelle gals!!
Although my time here at BleuBelle is over, I have a long journey ahead of me! I would never have made it so far without this experience and while I am so sad to go, I look forward to what lies ahead for me!

Thank you all for your help in leading me to this point!
I wish all of you the best of luck!!

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